CORE is a USDA FNS funded initiative designed to provide practical CACFP sponsor focused training solutions for State Agencies to train sponsoring organizations.
This site is powered by Bright Track, an online training platform for state agencies administering child nutrition programs. The online training courses hosted on this site are brought to you by MH Miles Company and Brighton Training Group through a project funded by the USDA FNS.
MH Miles Company is a certified public accounting firm with offices in Decatur, Georgia, Douglasville, Georgia, and Washington, DC. and made up of certified public accountants, certified fraud examiners, management consultants and support staff who have substantial experience in serving commercial concerns of all sizes, non-profit organizations, and governmental organizations. Brighton Training Group is based in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania and specializes in automating online training programs for state agencies administering the CACFP and SFSP programs.